Illustration by Kim Dinh (@kimdinhart), via Justseeds
NLG-SFBA | Committees
Labor & Employment Committee
Deep in the roots of the NLG is support and advocacy for government-funded work programs, efforts to reduce unemployment and disability insurance compensation. The Labor and Employment Committee of the NLG-SF Bay Area provides know your rights education to workers and supports advocacy efforts of unions and other organizations committed to workers rights, laborers and unpaid care providers.
In this moment, we now find ourselves in another period of mass unemployment and economic insecurity. Just as in the 1930s, individual and collective action is the only way that the needs of the 99 percent will be met. In early 2021, the Labor & Employment Committee released a Know Your Rights Employment and Labor during Covid-19 Manual intended to provide information about your rights in the workplace as they relate to the Covid-19 pandemic so that you can take action and organize with others.
For more information on how to join and support the Labor & Employment Committee, contact us below. Labor organizations and unions seeking support from the Committee can also reach out to us at this contact email.
Organizing for Workplace Saftey During Covid-19
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Organizing for Workplace Saftey During Covid-19