Join the NLG-SFBA as we seek to confront this urgent issue by learning about historical and current root causes of the crises, current organizing efforts, and how we can all take action by bridging our struggles here and internationally! Register here.
JOIN US ON TUESDAY, MAY 4TH AT 6PM Pacific Standard Time.
This panel of attorneys and community organizers will discuss the root causes of forced migration and the United State’s role in these causes. We also touch upon the dynamics of white supremacy, xenophobia and militarization that manifest at the border and within the refugee immigrant experience in the USA.
- Pierre Labossiere, Haiti Action Committee
- Azadeh Shahshahani, Project South
- Dévora González, SOA Watch
- Rhonda Ramiro, BAYAN-USA
This panel is endorsed by these amazing organizations:
- Arab Resource Organizing Center
- Haiti Action Committee
- SOA Watch
- Project South
- NLG International Committee
Stay tuned for webinars 2 & 3: Climate Change, Food Production, and Environmental Disaster and Gender-Based Violence & Justice